Discover preventive measures that you can take today to protect you and your organization

John and Pete recently had the opportunity to join forces with the cybersecurity team at CCAT, the Connecticut Advanced Center for Advanced Technology, for an Advanced Training Webinar—a recording is now available for viewing at any time!
The team reviewed real-life examples of cybersecurity threats, as well as preventative cybersecurity measures for individuals and businesses, including methods and best practices to guard sensitive information from being stolen, compromised, or attacked.
Lessons include:
The steps can you take to protect your organization and ensure compliance.
Case studies and vulnerability updates.
An overview of operational technology for industry 4.0 manufacturing.
In depth explanation of flat vs segmented network topology.
Discussion of Zero Trust Framework and why it's such a hot topic!
The webinar is suitable for small manufacturers, small businesses, or even individuals seeking to learn how to protect themselves online. Fill out CCAT's simple registration form and enjoy the free recording at any time here.